Hi all. I try to start a bot from a Java-Programm and getting an error i can’t really fix: My Python-Code is :
arg_parser = create_argument_parser()
cmdline_args = arg_parser.parse_args()
interpreter = RasaNLUInterpreter(cmdline_args.nlu)
agent = Agent.load(cmdline_args.core,interpreter= interpreter)
print("Bot geladen")
if True:
The prints are for testing purposes and give: C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\WeatherBot --> currentWorkingDirectoy ./models/nlu/default/weathernlu/ --> path to nlumodel ./models/dialogue/coreModel/ --> path to coremodel
Still i get the error: No module named ‘actions’ I have an actions.py file in the WorkingDirectory so why isn’t it found?
it’s also in the same directory like my domain.yml
The python script i call to run the bot isnt in the bot-project directory. is this the problem?