Ep3 Masterclass - changing the pipeline

I have created a new bot called MedicareLocator following the instructions but when I look at the config.yml file, it is not identical to that shown in the video/e-book. Mine looks like this:

When I add in supervised-embeddings like this: I get this error: What am I doing wrong?

The masterclass videos are a bit old now. They were using Rasa 1.x while we just released Rasa 2.6. I fear the config file you have is using a shortcut which is now deprecated.

Instead, I would recommend using the config.yml file that you get when you run rasa init. I’ve copied the base config below just in case.

language: en

 - name: WhitespaceTokenizer
 - name: RegexFeaturizer
 - name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
 - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
 - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
   analyzer: char_wb
   min_ngram: 2
   max_ngram: 4
 - name: DIETClassifier
   epochs: 100
   constrain_similarities: true
   model_confidence: linear_norm

 - name: MemoizationPolicy
 - name: TEDPolicy
   max_history: 5
   epochs: 50
   constrain_similarities: true
 - name: RulePolicy

Thank you very much for your help!

What is the recommended learning path now? Or could I carry on with the Masterclass but look the current syntax up in some documentation?

BW Lorna

We’re working on a new learning path as we speak but in the meantime you might appreciate this blogpost on the machine learning pipeline.There’s also this youtube playlist with small tutorials.

That’s fantastic. Many thanks!