i’ve built a rasa assistent and i can communicate with the bot via Webchat and some other channels.
I’ve activated the rest: channel in the credentials.yml.
When i POST with a REST-Client to the URL “http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook” with payload {“sender”: “test_user”, “message”: “Hi there!”,} i’ve get the Response 200 and an empty body [].
Same behavior with curl -POST http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook -d '{"message":"hi"}' -v
Because rest is way different than socketio and in socketio it persists session, that’s is not done is rest. So this is why it works well.
if you want it should work like webchat you can try out your own connector too.
Hi, do you know how I can test my model that I load from s3.
For example: I use this curl command to test my model that I load locally from my drive: curl -X POST http://localhost:5005/model/parse -d '{"text":"Hi I am Nilima"}'
How do I use the curl command to test the model that I loaded from my s3 bucket?
I used an example provided by the Rasa docs : curl -X POST http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook -d '{"sender":" test_user", "message":" Stop calling me"}'
But since my model only has the nlu part, no core, meaning that I only need the intent classification and entity extraction from my model. This rest channel above sends me an empty message as: []%
Any idea how I can test my model loaded from s3 bucket for entity extraction and intent classification?