Different files, nlu, domain

Hello how are you? I am building a bot for a system that allows remote procedures Each procedure has its associated form and I intend that the bot help the user to complete said form. Given that the amount of paperwork is large, how can I order in different files, nlu, domain, etc? for a matter of order

Hello @fmelossi, you can split your nlu and stories data only, not your domain file. To do this you must create two directories under data directory. One named nlu and the other stories. Your project structure should look like this:


You can create as many nlu and stories files as you like. Don’t forget to name them differently and add .md as an extension.

Thank you very much for answering. Is it a good practice that I propose? Today the platform has more than 80 procedures, I find it very difficult to use the settings in one place. If there is any best practice to the problem that I pose it will be welcome.

On the other hand, taking your solution as I indicate to a procedure that takes one configuration or another? or the choice of the trained model for each procedure. And finally, there is some hierarchy since there are things in common between everyone, for example greetings, farewells, etc.
