Default welcome message

@prashant_kamble I even tried intent as ‘/hello’ , while training it says no stories present. and if i use ‘hello’ as intent then it does not initiate the conversation.

Hi @pranay_raj,

You will also needs to have story. you checkd on that??

@prashant_kamble Yes this is in story-

##startup story

  • hello
    • utter_welcome_message

this is my domain-


utter_welcome_message :

  • text: “Hey…this is welcome message!!”


  • utter_welcome_message


  • hello

@prashant_kamble I have sent you a Linkdn request too, if we could speak there?

Yeah sure

@prashant_kamble Prashant ,Am I missing something in my domain or story???

Hi @pranay_raj,

Here is my linkedin id I am writing it because I didn’t get your request. feel free to contact :blush:

Any code or example how to add the welcome message or greet message by bot-like " Hello, I am a bot, how can I help you today?" at the first instant of the chat window open or

the sequence of messages one after another.

Bot: Hello.

Bot: Welcome to the website.

Bot: I am your chatbot assistant!

Then user reply

User: Hey there!!

Please Help,Guys!

hi @pranay_raj … do you got solution for this?. if yes please tell me . how to get welcome messge from bot when it open?

hi @Shank. can you give example for this ?

Hello prashant …I saw ur linkdin here I also have the same issue and am trying to connect you.@Faiza Abdella please accept it show me a little bit about it

You can send “/session_start” to the rasa backend server when a user invokes the chat icon and customize the welcome message by creating a custom action like:

class ActionSessionStart(Action): “”" This action is used at the start of conversation. “”"

def name(self) -> Text:
    """This is the name to be mentioned in domain.yml and files
        for this action."""
    return "action_session_start"

async def run(
        dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
        domain: Dict[Text, Any],
) -> List[EventType]:
    """This run function will be executed when "action_session_start" is
    # The session should begin with a 'session_started' event
    events = [SessionStarted()]
        text="Hi! How can I help you?")
    return events
1 Like

Sir, do you know how to display a default welcome message?

If you using shell use this Default welcome message - #32 by samvatsar or if you using some front end like rasa web chat see this GitHub - botfront/rasa-webchat: A feature-rich chat widget for Rasa and Botfront

<script>!(function () {
  let e = document.createElement("script"),
    t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  (e.src =
    // Replace 1.x.x with the version that you want
    (e.async = !0),
    (e.onload = () => {
          customData: { language: "en" },
          initPayload: "/hello",   ** utterence or welcome message 
          socketUrl: "",
          // add other props here
    t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild);

Hello, I am not able to see the initail welcome message with this code.