Wasn’t sure how to phrase this question, but I’m currently trying to implement a custom component to try and extract entities that fail to get picked up by CRFEntityExtractor
. I’ve currently gotten a basic structure setup for the new component based off of the tutorial, but I’d liked to get the classifications from Spacy as well as CRFEntityExtractor
. Is this part of the message
object passed into the process
I’m currently trying to print out the message and tokens with:
logging.info("Message passed in: {message}".format(message=message))
tokens = [t.text for t in message.get("tokens")]
logging.info("tokens: {tokens}".format(tokens=tokens))
I’m only getting back:
2019-08-09 15:10:16 INFO root - Message passed in: <rasa.nlu.training_data.message.Message object at 0x00000181A52BC128>
2019-08-09 15:10:16 INFO root - tokens: ['hi']
Is it possible to get POS tags or whether or not an entity was identified? I’ve added my component at the very bottom of the Spacy pipeline.