Custom attributes of conversation | Design approach

Hi, I am looking to find the best approach to save custom attributes related to the conversation.

I have enabled the tracker store in endpoints.yml which is saving all conversations into the Postgress DB. once enabled all the events are getting saved into the events table that is created automatically in the Postgress.

I would like to know if there is a way to -

  1. customize schema of this table
  2. save some custom attributes

If this is not possible, would appreciate some ideas on how to accomplish this ?

thanks !

  1. customize schema of this table

Yes, it’s possible but it’s probably a bad idea. The core code involved in writing the tracker is here. So, you would create you’re own fork of Rasa and make the modifications as you wish.

  1. save some custom attributes

It’s hard to answer your question without knowing more about your use case, but you should consider using your own datastore and writing to it with custom actions.