Custom Action registered, but not being called

I’ve started creating a Custom Action for managing survey ratings, and I can see that the is getting registered in the action server, but it never seems to get called. I think my slot definition points to it, but it’s acting like it never decides to call.

class SetRating(Action):

    def name(self) -> str:
        print(" ENTERED")
        return "set_rating"

    def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
            tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[str, Any]):

        print("set_rating ENTERED")
        print("dispatcher:", dispatcher)
        print("tracker:", tracker)
        print("domain:", domain)
        # account = get_account(tracker.sender_id)
        print("set_rating LEAVING")

        return [SlotSet("survey_question_applying_ai_in_organization", "3")]

and the slot is defined as:


    type: float
    min_value: 1
    max_value: 5
    initial_value: null
    influence_conversation: false
      - type: custom
        action: set_rating

  - set_rating

  - text:  "On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do YOU AGREE that Understanding GenAI is important to you in your work? (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree)"

and my endpoints are configured:

  url: "http://localhost:5055/webhook"

The response after the utterance should call the custom action, right? I see the " ``` ENTERED

Hi John, is this in an NLU + LLM CALM bot, or LLM-only?

Can you share your flow where you’re attempting to gather the feedback?

Thanks Chris. I just noticed your response yesterday, but unfortunately have gotten rid of all of the code, and replaced it with “type: from_llm” code that doesn’t require custom gatherers. The stuff I was writing was all CALM bot, but I may have been building it ontop of the demo code that was goes both ways.

When I reported the original question, I was assuming that I could simply set my slots with

    type: float
    influence_conversation: false
      - type: custom
        action: set_rating

and then when the “collect” for that slot was stepped to in the following flow:

    description: Get student feedback to a course survey.
      - action: utter_survey_start
      - collect: survey_question_metrics_in_government
      - collect: survey_question_behavioral_insights
      - collect: survey_question_rate_general_knowledge
      - collect: survey_question_what_tools_techniques_buzzwords
      - collect: survey_question_how_you_use_gen_ai_now
      - action: utter_survey_complete

that it would automatically call But it didn’t do that, and I didn’t get it working.

However, my from_llm version of the collect is doing what I need right now, so I’m probably OK.