Checkpoint is not working (conditional, jump to other file)

Jump to other file
-## yes
-* conversation_say_yes
-> cp_goto_submodule
-## entry point
-> cp_goto_submodule

did not worked for me. I did not got even conversation_say_yes event. But the problem was not in main, not even in jump. There was something wrong with I did not test, but I think it is possible to reproduce it this way:
-## entry point
-> cp_goto_submodule
  - utter_greeting
-> cp_not_existing_checkpoint

Since this is a forum your might help others by describing the problem and your solution, wiki-style.

Updated My issue was a missing utterance to prompt the user into the checkpoint. After cleaning that up, the checkpoint is working across separate training files.

I’m having the same problem described by @ujja. I have a directory with to .md files containing stories. The main file has a story that defines a checkpoint:

## feedback story
> check_feedback
* feedback
  - action_feedback

I reference that checkpoint in a second story .md file but the checkpoint isn’t executed:

## story_fin_0
* fin_0
  - utter_fin_0
> check_feedback