Check all predictions and respective intents

Is it possible to check all the classified intents and their respective entities? Currently, the model outputs the result with the highest confidence. How can I query all the other intents one by one regardless of confidence and check for predictions?

Hi @sumitsaha, you can use the HTTP API to parse a message with your Rasa model and get the full intent breakdown.

The response object contains the element intent_ranking that stores all the confidence information:

    "text": "Hi",
    "intent": {
        "id": 3351123226924298327,
        "name": "greet",
        "confidence": 0.9998955131
    "entities": [],
    "intent_ranking": [
            "id": 3351123226924298327,
            "name": "greet",
            "confidence": 0.9998955131
            "id": -7503364390322699277,
            "name": "chitchat",
            "confidence": 0.0000701769
            "id": -7477535035922634779,
            "name": "thankyou",
            "confidence": 0.0000227083
            "id": -1399674655192123369,
            "name": "bot_challenge",
            "confidence": 0.000004893
            "id": -1208978872258037789,
            "name": "stop",
            "confidence": 0.0000036492
            "id": 8816719142779407201,
            "name": "deny",
            "confidence": 0.0000020244
            "id": -1750768160529046574,
            "name": "affirm",
            "confidence": 0.0000009217
            "id": 4137433111448671806,
            "name": "inform",
            "confidence": 0.0000000938
            "id": -4386500614336766294,
            "name": "request_restaurant",
            "confidence": 0.0000000004
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