Changes to the Rasa X Community Edition (Free Version)

@JanL Just to quickly close the loop here - we’ve updated the docs page: Deploying a Rasa Assistant

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All the Best RASA team. We need more support for RASA open source. How to deploy multiple RASA chatbots in one Application.

The documentation states three kinds of deployment - locally, docker compose and kubernetes. It seems to me that kubernetes is the “best practice” here and a fully functional, productive chatbot should be deployed this way.

However, the documentation falls short of giving instructions how to set up a kubernetes cluster properly. Is this intentional and Rasa Open Source just requires this cluster and the skills to set it up, or will there be a guide for those (like me) who haven’t had any touchpoints with kubernetes yet?

Hi, I understand deployments are a bit tricky when dealing with kubernetes. But I find this video very helpful, It’s from Rasa Learning center for deployments, and it’s explained really well with a demo.


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I would love to re-ask the question of @h0rrid0

hey, can we still use [Rasa X Community Edition (Free Version)], without license

yes- previously released versions will still work