I’m using a Rasa Open Source deployment via docker compose on a cloud server. I’m using Rasa 2.8.15 and the widget provided by botfront (but tried the Rasa widget as well). My docker compose environment consists of five services: Rasa Open Source, a Rasa action server for custom actions, a postgresql database for the tracker, nginx as a reverse proxy (to enable https) and certbot for the letsencrypt certificates.
When I try to reach my bot via websocket with one of the mentioned widgets, nginx and the browser console both throw 404 errors. However, if I use the very same setup with a Rasa 3.2.9 bot (really, only the one line in my docker compose file is changed) the widget connects without any errors. The same is true (no problems occure) when I connect the widget to a 2.8.15 chatbot which is hosted via Rasa X in a kubernetes cluster. So far, only the combination Rasa 2.8.15 and docker compose gives me trouble.
Does anybody know what was changed in the websocket connection from Rasa 2.x to 3.x, or how I can troubleshoot my error properly?