I’ve been using Rasa Open Source since the beginning of the year and had decided to switch to Rasa Pro CALM Developer Edition just last week. I’ve got all of my setup and installation done perfectly.
But I just have this main question I would like to clarify:
Does CALM completely depend on the OpenAI API? Can I disable the pipelines/configs that depend on the OpenAI API and just leverage CALM itself?
The reason for this is I don’t to depend on an external/third-party service when I am adding/training my bot with sensitive data.
An LLM is recommended for using CALM as a dialogue system. However, the LLM certainly doesn’t have to be an OpenAI one.
Starting with version Rasa Pro 3.10, CALM uses LiteLLM under the hood to integrate with different LLM providers. Hence, all LiteLLM’s integrated providers are also supported with CALM. For a general overview of how to set this up in your project, check out our LLM Configuration page in our docs.
Please i have a question on this point. 'm developping a AI Assistant with Rasa-pro too. But i want to use ollama instead of openai. But i get the error message that the provider must be openai to train the model. How can i change it please?
Okay I seem to be getting a similar error as well.
I used ollama, followed the syntax from Self-Hostel Model server: ollama . I had the endpoint running (checked using ollama serve)
I am receiving the following error:
INFO rasa.engine.training.hooks - Starting to train component 'SingleStepLLMCommandGenerator'.
2024-09-23 17:12:13 INFO rasa.dialogue_understanding.generator.llm_based_command_generator - [info ] llm_based_command_generator.flow_retrieval.enabled
2024-09-23 17:12:13 ERROR rasa.shared.providers.llm._base_litellm_client - [error ] Environment variables: ['OLLAMA_API_BASE'] not set. Required for API calls. event_key=base_litellm_client.validate_environment_variables missing_environment_variables=['OLLAMA_API_BASE']
2024-09-23 17:12:13 ERROR rasa.shared.utils.llm - [error ] llm_based_command_generator.train.llm_instantiation_failed error=ProviderClientValidationError("Environment variables: ['OLLAMA_API_BASE'] not set. Required for API calls.") message=Unable to instantiate LLM client.
Unable to create the LLM client for component - LLMBasedCommandGenerator. Please make sure you specified the required environment variables. Error: Environment variables: ['OLLAMA_API_BASE'] not set. Required for API calls.
Not sure why I need an API key for this process. (I’ve set the OLLAMA_API_BASE as an env as well) Please is there a mistake from our end? @Lauren-Goerz