train with project project=test_model: curl --request POST --header ‘content-type: application/x-yml’ -d@- --url ‘localhost:5004/train?project=test_model’
use the model generated in step 1 : model_20180910-080232 to evaluate : curl -XPOST localhost:5004/evaluate?project=test_model&model=model_20180910-020832 -d @demo-rasa.json | python -mjson.tool
the error pops up:
{ “error”: “Unknown data format for file /tmp/tmp7ddx9cmp_training_data” }-d: command not found No JSON object could be decoded [1]+ Done curl -XPOST localhost:5004/evaluate?project=test_model
You’re not passing any data that NLU should train on. You need to either pass a file to -d, or a link to training data with --url Please look at the docs for explanation of these parameters