Automatically extracting the name of user in rocketchat

Hi there! i would like to know if i can automatically extract the name of a sender in rocketchat. For example:

bob : @bot hi

my-bot: hi bob! how can i help?

juste explained here the necessary steps to do this on facebook-- Getting full name from facebook messenger

Is there any way to set my ‘name’ slot with sender name in rocketchat? @Juste @akelad @souvikg10 @tmbo

Hi @aayush, there’s potentially a way if the API allows for it. I’d suggest you look into their documentation of the API, I myself have never worked with it before

Hey @akelad, thanks for the reply. I was able to do it by referring to rocketchat API :slight_smile:

Hi, can you send a guide for the username part? I couldn’t find it in RocketChat docs.Thanks.