AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'handle_text'

import nest_asyncio

nest_asyncio.apply() print(“Event loop ready.”)

from rasa.cli.scaffold import create_initial_project import os

project = “test-project” create_initial_project(project)

move into project directory and show files

os.chdir(project) print(os.listdir("."))

config = “config.yml” training_files = “data/” domain = “domain.yml” output = “models/” print(config, training_files, domain, output)

import rasa

model_path = rasa.train(domain, config, [training_files], output) print(model_path)

from rasa.jupyter import chat

endpoints = “endpoints.yml” chat(model_path)

I am running this code but its gives me below error “AttributeError: ‘coroutine’ object has no attribute ‘handle_text’” i have searched but its hard to understand why this error occurring

Hi everyone, my problem is similar to yours but i have the error message : AgentNotReady:

Have you found any workarounds? To me the training works perfectly in the notebook, but then when I try to chat with the bot from the notebook I get this exact same error.