Using a single entity for different form slots

Yes,It loses NER capabilities. As I want to mention here It can be done in multiple approaches. For now I added logic in the required slots function so that it uses single entity to fulfill different slots

Class CountryForm(FormAction):

def name(self) -> Text:
    return "CountryForm"

def required_slots(tracker: Tracker) -> List[Text]:
    """A list of required slots that the form has to fill"""
    if (tracker.get_slot('currentlocation') is None):
        return ["currentlocation"]
        return ["destination"]

def slot_mappings(self) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    return {
            "currentlocation":  self.from_entity(entity="country", intent= "currentlocation"),
            "destination": self.from_entity(entity="country", intent="currentlocation")

def submit(self, 
            dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, 
            tracker: Tracker, 
            domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict]:

    current = tracker.get_slot('currentlocation')
    des = tracker.get_slot('destination')
    #Testing purpose
    dispatcher.utter_message("I am from {} and I want to go to {}".format(current, des))
    return []

 ## intent:currentlocation
- I am from [sweden](country)
- I want to go [Estonia](country)
- I am from [UK](country)
- I am from [Russia](country)
- I want to go [United States](country)
- I want to go [sweden](country)
- I want to go [UK](country)
- I am from [Estonia](country)