Sometimes such format works and I get responses but sometimes it through the default message

Hi @Sargoman and welcome to the forum! Have a great year ahead!

Firstly, I’d recommend to please see this How to ask the question on the forum : How to ask a great question

On you issue, I hope you have provided good amount of training examples in all your intents at least 10 examples each for better model training. If your code is working fine and you are only using payload with the intents then try delete older trained model and re-train and talk to the bot. I hope this can solve your issue, if not then please share some files and some screenshot with us. You can even check the bot/user conversation flow using rasa interactive and can you tell us what is the threshold value for FallbackClassifier in config.yml normally we set the value to 0.4 for default_message.

I hope this will give you idea and solve you issue earliest. Good Luck!

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