RASA X on Kubernetes cluster -> How to add SpacyNLP with Helm

HI @DROMZEE, to add a dependency to your Rasa node, you need to build an image based on Rasa e.g.

FROM rasa/rasa:1.10.0-full
RUN python -m spacy download fr_core_news_sm
RUN python -m spacy link fr fr_core_news_sm

Then you can update the helm charts to use your custom rasa image e.g. in values.yaml:

# rasa: Settings common for all Rasa containers
  # name of the Rasa image to use
  name: "my/rasa_fr"
  # tag refers to the Rasa image tag
  tag: "latest"  # Please check the README to see all locations which have to be updated for a rasa release)

Then you can refer to it in your config as

  - name: "SpacyNLP"
    model: "fr"
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