Performance decline on implementing more intents

Hello Charles,

Thank you for sharing an example of your stories.yml.

You are right, you do not need to keep adding stories (I meant having some stories) as long as the amount of stories you have, covers the different conversation turns you want your bot to handle. Each story should represent a complete dialogue between the user and the bot so if the possible conversations that your bot can handle only have 2 steps like in the examples you show, you are good.

If you get the nlu_fallback response then that means that the intent classification has a lower confidence than the nlu_threshold (config.yml) and some more ideas to improve that would be :

  • make sure that your intents are not too specific and each one represents a broad intent that the user is trying to do.
  • align your intent classifier with the rest of your pipeline (config.yml)

These two are also mentioned in this video from Rachael in section common errors (min 4:29).

  • also this explanatory post might be helpful to give you some more insights.