How to let bot start the conversation

ok can you show me your utter_greet_English template response?

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  - text: Hi, I’m your virtual assistant. How can I help you today?
  - text: So I can get you to the right place, tell me what you’d like help with.
  - text: Hello, how can I help?

let me try to recreate the issue and debug it

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Thank you. I can give you all my files if you want.

No, it’s fine, I will look into

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I just checked and got the same result, I guess you can skip the use of response and instead used the defined keys like text, image, custom, buttons

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I hoped there would be a better solution, but that’s what I’m gonna do. I already created a function that chooses a text randomly, so I can use it.

Anyway, thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

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Oh you wanted to get a random text so that’s why you were using the template, now I got it what you were trying to achieve.

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Yes that’s it

Anyway did you checked this

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Ohh I didn’t know 2.4.1 was out! Thanks for notice.

But I think I’ll stay on 2.3.x until this gets fixed, or I won’t be able to build a multilingual bot.

I will look into the issue by upgrading to latest version and get back to you. It may take some time for me as I have to do some other work :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, thanks!!

@JiteshGaikwad hi i am also facing same issues chatbot not responding with buttons utter_message using response is any thing to be done for updating using RASA 2.2.4