(base) D:\rasaProjects\imlBot\iBot>rasa shell -vv 2020-09-16 03:27:25 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to 'C:\Users\hpuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp5im8oxv6'. 2020-09-16 03:27:25 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter 'endpoints' not set. Using default location 'endpoints.yml' instead. 2020-09-16 03:27:25 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter 'credentials' not set. Using default location 'credentials.yml' instead. 2020-09-16 03:27:25 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to 'C:\Users\hpuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpu40eosbt'. 2020-09-16 03:27:26 INFO root - Connecting to channel 'cmdline' which was specified by the '--connector' argument. Any other channels will be ignored. To connect to all given channels, omit the '--connector' argument. 2020-09-16 03:27:26 DEBUG sanic.root - CORS: Configuring CORS with resources: {'/*': {'origins': [''], 'methods': 'DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT', 'allow_headers': ['.*'], 'expose_headers': None, 'supports_credentials': True, 'max_age': None, 'send_wildcard': False, 'automatic_options': True, 'vary_header': True, 'resources': {'/*': {'origins': ''}}, 'intercept_exceptions': True, 'always_send': True}} 2020-09-16 03:27:26 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Available web server routes: /webhooks/rest GET custom_webhook_CmdlineInput.health /webhooks/rest/webhook POST custom_webhook_CmdlineInput.receive / GET hello 2020-09-16 03:27:26 INFO root - Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005 2020-09-16 03:27:26 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Using the default number of Sanic workers (1). 2020-09-16 03:27:26 INFO root - Enabling coroutine debugging. Loop id 2278909889560. 2020-09-16 03:27:26 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to 'C:\Users\hpuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpqk8o082h'. 2020-09-16 03:27:27 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Loading the model ... 2020-09-16 03:27:29 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished loading the model. 2020-09-16 03:27:29 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Building tensorflow prediction graph... 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished building tensorflow prediction graph. 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - Failed to load model for 'ResponseSelector'. Maybe you did not provide enough training data and no model was trained or the path 'C:\Users\hpuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpqk8o082h\nlu' doesn't exist? 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Connected to InMemoryTrackerStore. 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Connected to lock store 'InMemoryLockStore'. 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to 'C:\Users\hpuser\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp8m67ac0h'. 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG pykwalify.compat - Using yaml library: c:\users\hpuser\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ruamel\yaml\__init__.py 2020-09-16 03:27:34 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Loading the model ... 2020-09-16 03:27:35 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished loading the model. 2020-09-16 03:27:35 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Building tensorflow prediction graph... 2020-09-16 03:27:36 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished building tensorflow prediction graph. 2020-09-16 03:27:36 DEBUG rasa.core.nlg.generator - Instantiated NLG to 'TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator'. Bot loaded. Type a message and press enter (use '/stop' to exit): Your input -> hi 2020-09-16 03:28:11 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Creating a new tracker for id 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31'. 2020-09-16 03:28:11 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Starting a new session for conversation ID 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31'. 2020-09-16 03:28:11 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_session_start' ended with events '[, ]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:11 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: dest: None requested_slot: None src: None 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for 'ResponseSelector': The component is either not trained or didn't receive enough training data. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message 'hi' with intent '{'name': 'greet', 'confidence': 0.9999886751174927}' and entities '[]' 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 4 events. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'utter_greet' 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is no active form 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_MemoizationPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'utter_greet' with confidence 1.00. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'utter_greet' ended with events '[BotUttered('Hey! How are you?', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1600207092.2551472)]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_greet': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'action_listen' 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.mapping_policy - There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'greet'. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is no active form 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_MemoizationPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:12 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31'. Hey! How are you? Your input -> i need some information about interfaces 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker for id 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31' 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for 'ResponseSelector': The component is either not trained or didn't receive enough training data. 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message 'i need some information about interfaces' with intent '{'name': 'iml_query', 'confidence': 0.9999961853027344}' and entities '[]' 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 8 events. 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'iml_form' 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is no active form 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_0_MemoizationPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'iml_form' with confidence 1.00. 2020-09-16 03:28:18 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.action - Calling action endpoint to run action 'iml_form'. 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'iml_form' ended with events '[BotUttered('Please provide the source (From) app.', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1600207100.3293614), , ]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: dest: None requested_slot: src src: None 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'iml_form' 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.mapping_policy - There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'iml_query'. 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is an active form 'iml_form' 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_3_FormPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:20 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31'. Please provide the source (From) app. Your input -> Portal 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker for id 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31' 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for 'ResponseSelector': The component is either not trained or didn't receive enough training data. 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message 'Portal' with intent '{'name': 'iml_query', 'confidence': 0.9999994039535522}' and entities '[{'entity': 'app', 'start': 0, 'end': 6, 'role': 'O', 'value': 'Portal', 'extractor': 'DIETClassifier'}]' 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: dest: None requested_slot: src src: None 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 14 events. 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [{'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_iml_form': 1.0, 'active_form_iml_form': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'entity_app': 1.0, 'active_form_iml_form': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is no memorised next action 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is an active form 'iml_form' 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_3_FormPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'iml_form' with confidence 1.00. 2020-09-16 03:28:54 DEBUG rasa.core.actions.action - Calling action endpoint to run action 'iml_form'. 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'iml_form' ended with events '[BotUttered('Pease Wait, finding interfaces from Portal to Portal', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {"src": "Portal", "dest": "Portal"}, 1600207136.925355), , , , ]'. c:\users\hpuser\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rasa\utils\common.py:351: UserWarning: Action 'iml_form' set a slot type 'dest' which it never set during the training. This can throw off the prediction. Make sure to include training examples in your stories for the different types of slots this action can return. Remember: you need to set the slots manually in the stories by adding '- slot{"dest": Portal}' after the action. c:\users\hpuser\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rasa\utils\common.py:351: UserWarning: Action 'iml_form' set a slot type 'src' which it never set during the training. This can throw off the prediction. Make sure to include training examples in your stories for the different types of slots this action can return. Remember: you need to set the slots manually in the stories by adding '- slot{"src": Portal}' after the action. 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values: dest: Portal requested_slot: None src: Portal 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state [{}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'intent_iml_query': 1.0, 'slot_src_0': 1.0, 'prev_iml_form': 1.0, 'slot_dest_0': 1.0}] 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is no memorised next action 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.mapping_policy - There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'iml_query'. 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.form_policy - There is no active form 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_1_TEDPolicy 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 0.96. 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-09-16 03:28:56 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation 'e191fc85104842c28ee4e5fd86fdcf31'. Pease Wait, finding interfaces from Portal to Portal Your input ->