2020-02-07 03:47:14,659 [INFO ] Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005 2020-02-07 03:47:14,155 [INFO ] NumExpr defaulting to 4 threads. 2020-02-07 03:47:14,516 [INFO ] Entry Point [tensor2tensor.envs.tic_tac_toe_env:TicTacToeEnv] registered with id [T2TEnv-TicTacToeEnv-v0] 2020-02-07 03:47:14,753 [INFO ] Added 'SpacyNLP' to component cache. Key 'SpacyNLP-en'. 2020-02-07 03:47:14,304 [DEBUG] Available web server routes: /conversations//messages POST add_message /conversations//tracker/events POST append_events /model/test/intents POST evaluate_intents /model/test/stories POST evaluate_stories /conversations//execute POST execute_action /domain GET get_domain /socket.io POST handle_request / GET hello /model PUT load_model /model/parse POST parse /conversations//predict POST predict /conversations//tracker/events PUT replace_events /conversations//story GET retrieve_story /conversations//tracker GET retrieve_tracker /webhooks/socketio GET socketio_webhook.health /status GET status /model/predict POST tracker_predict /model/train POST train /conversations//trigger_intent POST trigger_intent /model DELETE unload_model /version GET version 2020-02-07 03:47:14,307 [INFO ] Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005 2020-02-07 03:47:14,311 [DEBUG] Using the default number of Sanic workers (1). 2020-02-07 03:47:14,313 [INFO ] Enabling coroutine debugging. Loop id 1940036562888. 2020-02-07 03:47:14,527 [DEBUG] Extracted model to 'C:\Users\karthik\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpwy2mpm6l'. 2020-02-07 03:47:15,549 [INFO ] NumExpr defaulting to 4 threads. 2020-02-07 03:47:18,311 [INFO ] Entry Point [tensor2tensor.envs.tic_tac_toe_env:TicTacToeEnv] registered with id [T2TEnv-TicTacToeEnv-v0] 2020-02-07 03:47:34,322 [INFO ] Added 'SpacyNLP' to component cache. Key 'SpacyNLP-en'. 2020-02-07 03:47:34,809 [DEBUG] Connected to InMemoryTrackerStore. 2020-02-07 03:47:34,810 [DEBUG] Connected to lock store 'InMemoryLockStore'. 2020-02-07 03:47:35,034 [DEBUG] Extracted model to 'C:\Users\karthik\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpd9svowd0'. 2020-02-07 03:47:35,039 [DEBUG] Using yaml library: c:\users\karthik\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\ruamel\yaml\__init__.py 2020-02-07 03:47:36,407 [DEBUG] Instantiated NLG to 'TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator'. 2020-02-07 03:47:37,952 [DEBUG] User d16fa57799ee4fe9bc9a6ffc1bd3e8a9 connected to socketIO endpoint. 2020-02-07 03:47:37,997 [DEBUG] User d16fa57799ee4fe9bc9a6ffc1bd3e8a9 connected to socketIO endpoint. 2020-02-07 03:47:51,723 [DEBUG] User d16fa57799ee4fe9bc9a6ffc1bd3e8a9 disconnected from socketIO endpoint. 2020-02-07 03:47:57,006 [DEBUG] User 4355b9d1a6ac459992625d6c50b3ae46 connected to socketIO endpoint. 2020-02-07 03:47:57,047 [DEBUG] User 4355b9d1a6ac459992625d6c50b3ae46 connected to socketIO endpoint. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,393 [DEBUG] Creating a new tracker for id '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,396 [DEBUG] Starting a new session for conversation ID '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,398 [DEBUG] Action 'action_session_start' ended with events '[, ]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,399 [DEBUG] Current slot values: PERSON: None business_email: None mobile: None requested_slot: None 2020-02-07 03:48:09,401 [DEBUG] Received user message '/greet' with intent '{'name': 'greet', 'confidence': 1.0}' and entities '[]' 2020-02-07 03:48:09,402 [DEBUG] Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 4 events. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,537 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:09,539 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '110' 2020-02-07 03:48:09,540 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:09,541 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:09,542 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:09,543 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_greet' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,544 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_greet' ended with events '[BotUttered('Hi, I'm Alisa!', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027489.544163)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,558 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:09,559 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '142' 2020-02-07 03:48:09,561 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'greet'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,562 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:09,562 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:09,563 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:09,564 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_welcome' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,566 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_welcome' ended with events '[BotUttered('Welcome to the World of AI Cloud-based Workforce Capital Management Solutions.', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027489.565163)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,578 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:09,579 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '107' 2020-02-07 03:48:09,580 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'greet'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,581 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:09,582 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:09,583 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:09,584 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_getstarted' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,585 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_getstarted' ended with events '[BotUttered('To determine how I can help you best, I'm going to ask you a few questions.', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027489.5851626)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,599 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:09,600 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '0' 2020-02-07 03:48:09,601 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'greet'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,603 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:09,604 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:09,605 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:09,606 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,607 [DEBUG] Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:09,608 [DEBUG] Deleted lock for conversation '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,488 [DEBUG] Recreating tracker for id '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91' 2020-02-07 03:48:12,514 [DEBUG] Received user message 'ok' with intent '{'name': 'product_accept', 'confidence': 0.9918745756149292}' and entities '[]' 2020-02-07 03:48:12,516 [DEBUG] Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 12 events. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,521 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:12,522 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '88' 2020-02-07 03:48:12,523 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:12,524 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:12,525 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:12,526 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_ask_person' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,527 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_ask_person' ended with events '[BotUttered('What's your name?', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027492.5274327)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,538 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:12,540 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '0' 2020-02-07 03:48:12,541 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'product_accept'. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,542 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:12,543 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:12,544 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_1_AugmentedMemoizationPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:12,545 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,546 [DEBUG] Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:12,547 [DEBUG] Deleted lock for conversation '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,392 [DEBUG] Recreating tracker for id '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91' 2020-02-07 03:48:16,403 [DEBUG] Received user message 'karthik' with intent '{'name': 'PERSON', 'confidence': 0.9646666049957275}' and entities '[{'start': 0, 'end': 7, 'value': 'karthik', 'entity': 'person_name', 'confidence': 0.7325764229592748, 'extractor': 'CRFEntityExtractor'}]' 2020-02-07 03:48:16,405 [DEBUG] Current slot values: PERSON: None business_email: None mobile: None requested_slot: None 2020-02-07 03:48:16,406 [DEBUG] Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 16 events. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,412 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:16,413 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:16,417 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:16,417 [DEBUG] There is no memorised next action 2020-02-07 03:48:16,418 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:16,419 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:16,420 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_0_KerasPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:16,421 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_ask_mobile' with confidence 0.99. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,422 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_ask_mobile' ended with events '[BotUttered('Can i have your Mobile Number.', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027496.4221914)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,435 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}, {'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0, 'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:16,436 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:16,440 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:16,441 [DEBUG] There is no memorised next action 2020-02-07 03:48:16,443 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'PERSON'. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,444 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:16,445 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:16,446 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_0_KerasPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:16,447 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,448 [DEBUG] Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:16,449 [DEBUG] Deleted lock for conversation '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,023 [DEBUG] Recreating tracker for id '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91' 2020-02-07 03:48:19,033 [DEBUG] Received user message '8789854654' with intent '{'name': 'mobile', 'confidence': 0.7166034579277039}' and entities '[]' 2020-02-07 03:48:19,035 [DEBUG] Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 20 events. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,041 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}, {'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0, 'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:19,042 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:19,046 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:19,048 [DEBUG] There is no memorised next action 2020-02-07 03:48:19,049 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:19,050 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:19,051 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_0_KerasPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:19,052 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'utter_ask_email' with confidence 0.99. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,053 [DEBUG] Action 'utter_ask_email' ended with events '[BotUttered('What's your email address?', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {}, 1581027499.0532305)]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,064 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}, {'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0, 'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_email': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:19,066 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:19,070 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'prev_utter_ask_email': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:19,071 [DEBUG] There is no memorised next action 2020-02-07 03:48:19,073 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'mobile'. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,074 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:19,075 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:19,076 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_0_KerasPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:19,077 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,078 [DEBUG] Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:19,079 [DEBUG] Deleted lock for conversation '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'. 2020-02-07 03:48:33,023 [DEBUG] Recreating tracker for id '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91' 2020-02-07 03:48:33,034 [DEBUG] Received user message 'karthik@gmail.com' with intent '{'name': 'email', 'confidence': 0.9901793599128723}' and entities '[{'start': 0, 'end': 17, 'value': 'karthik@gmail.com', 'entity': 'business_email', 'confidence': 0.9890574684248009, 'extractor': 'CRFEntityExtractor'}]' 2020-02-07 03:48:33,036 [DEBUG] Current slot values: PERSON: None business_email: karthik@gmail.com mobile: None requested_slot: None 2020-02-07 03:48:33,037 [DEBUG] Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 25 events. 2020-02-07 03:48:33,043 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}, {'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0, 'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_email': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}, {'entity_business_email': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_email': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:33,045 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:33,050 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'entity_business_email': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_email': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:33,051 [DEBUG] There is no memorised next action 2020-02-07 03:48:33,052 [DEBUG] There is no active form 2020-02-07 03:48:33,053 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:33,054 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_0_KerasPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:33,054 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'store_form' with confidence 0.94. 2020-02-07 03:48:33,056 [DEBUG] Calling action endpoint to run action 'store_form'. 2020-02-07 03:48:35,122 [DEBUG] Action 'store_form' ended with events '[, , , ]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:35,123 [DEBUG] Current slot values: PERSON: None business_email: karthik@gmail.com mobile: None requested_slot: PERSON 2020-02-07 03:48:35,137 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_greet': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_welcome': 1.0, 'intent_greet': 1.0}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_utter_getstarted': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_person': 1.0, 'intent_product_accept': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0}, {'intent_PERSON': 1.0, 'entity_person_name': 1.0, 'prev_utter_ask_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}, {'prev_utter_ask_email': 1.0, 'intent_mobile': 1.0}, {'entity_business_email': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0, 'intent_email': 1.0}] 2020-02-07 03:48:35,139 [DEBUG] Launch DeLorean... 2020-02-07 03:48:35,146 [DEBUG] Current tracker state [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, {}] 2020-02-07 03:48:35,148 [DEBUG] There is a memorised next action '0' 2020-02-07 03:48:35,149 [DEBUG] There is no mapped action for the predicted intent, 'email'. 2020-02-07 03:48:35,150 [DEBUG] There is an active form 'store_form' 2020-02-07 03:48:35,151 [DEBUG] NLU confidence threshold met, confidence of fallback action set to core threshold (0.3). 2020-02-07 03:48:35,152 [DEBUG] Predicted next action using policy_3_FormPolicy 2020-02-07 03:48:35,153 [DEBUG] Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00. 2020-02-07 03:48:35,153 [DEBUG] Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'. 2020-02-07 03:48:35,154 [DEBUG] Deleted lock for conversation '0ef1e8f6497140a99225146a3eb43e91'.