Working with AdaptiveCard ChoiceSet on MS Teams Botframework

Hi everyone, I’m trying to implement a quiz with Rasa and Botframework. So far, I’ve managed to

  • Design an adequate AdaptiveCard via the online platform: Designer | Adaptive Cards It contains a choiceset with 4 questions and a submit button.
  • Create a quiz_form in rasa
  • Send the AdaptiveCard from the bot to user
  • Get the response when the user validates the form
    "type": "message",
    "timestamp": "2022-06-30T12:53:50.973Z",
    "localTimestamp": "2022-06-30T14:53:50.973+02:00",
    "id": "some_id",
    "channelId": "msteams",
    "value": {
        "quiz": "3,4"

This is the response payload I got with ngrok inspect, but I don’t know how to retrieve the quiz answers in

"value": {
        "quiz": "3,4"


Does anyone know how to access these quiz answer values from Rasa ? Any help would be greatly appreciated