Return [ConversationPaused()] NameError: name 'ConversationPaused' is not defined

Under a custom action in local mode, when i try to pause a conversation using return [ConversationPaused()] i m getting the following error: NameError: name ‘ConversationPaused’ is not defined

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Did you import it in the action file?

from import ConversationPaused()

It’s still returning the same error after importing it: from import ActionExecuted, ActionReverted, ActiveLoop, AllSlotsReset, SlotSet, FollowupAction, ReminderCancelled, ReminderScheduled, SessionStarted, UserUtteranceReverted, ConversationPaused

note: ConversationPaused() is returning an error.

Which version you used with rasa_sdk

What if you try from import ConversationPaused?

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘’

It’s working now after the reboot: from import ActionExecuted, ActionReverted, ActiveLoop, AllSlotsReset, SlotSet, FollowupAction, ReminderCancelled, ReminderScheduled, SessionStarted, UserUtteranceReverted, ConversationPaused

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