Rasa-webchat send the parameter the value of a variable

Hello, I am using webchat, I want to send the parameter the value of a variable in initPayload and it does not work for me, how can I do?

                    var tram1="Hi";
                    selector: "#webchat",
                    initPayload: '/tramiteIniciado{"tramite":tram1}',

Hi Fernando

At the moment, the init payload is literally the string '/tramiteIniciado{"tramite":tram1}', so the variable won’t be evaluated.

To get this to work, you should be able to use a template string like so:

var tram1="Hi";
    selector: "#webchat",
    initPayload: `/tramiteIniciado{"tramite": "${tram1}"}`,

That’ll tell the browser to substitute the value of tram1 into the string before passing it to init - let us know if it works!

P.S. If you’re wanting to support older browsers - e.g. Internet Explorer prior to Edge - and you’re not running any build step before your Javascript is sent to the user, you can build the string like so:

initPayload: ['/tramiteIniciado{"tramite": "', tram1, '"}'].join(''),