Rasa 3.0 upgrade not working

Hey Paul.

It’s not that Rasa 3.0 is not working. It’s a new major version and so has a lot of breaking changes. You need to change a lot in your files, otherwise stay on 2.x.

You can read all the changes in the Changelog, especially #8868 which is related to your error cannot import name 'UnfeaturizedSlot':

Follow through on deprecation warnings for the Domain . Most importantly this will enforce the schema of the forms section in the domain file. This further includes the removal of the UnfeaturizedSlot type.

In 2.x, UnfeaturizedSlot gave a warning that it would be deprecated in 3.0, so now is the time it happened.

Forms are another example of a breaking change, see this thread to look at the new format.

If you want to migrate to Rasa 3.0, please read the Version Migration Guide.