Out of scope in forms

Hi, is it possible to repeat question for slot in form when the intent is out of scope?

I have:

(inside form where email is required slot)
- give me your email
- asdsadasd
- sorry but i didnt understand
- asdasdasd
- sorry but i didnt understand
- a@a.a
- thanks, you are register

What I want:

(inside form where email is required slot)
- give me your email
- asdsadasd
- give me your email
- asdasdasd
- give me your email
- a@a.a
- thanks, you are register

A possibility is to add self.from_text mapping to that slot, so that the FormAction is not interrupted by an ActionExecutionRejection. You’ll have to write a validate_{slot_name} method then, which checks if the entered value is a valid email address. If not, return None and youll get the lower dialogue.

Thanks for quick reply, thats definitely a good solution but I was thinking about overwriting ActionDefaultFallback and getting info from tracker which utter was run lately. And if it was ‘utter_ask_email’ then repeat this utter. But I’m having hard time with implementing it. Is it even possible to solve this problem this way?

Sure, why not? What is your problem?