Is this a correct way to use groups?


Situation: There are two groups (independent and dependent variables). Each of these groups have either categorical or numerical typed variables. Depending on the matrix of variables, there’s an output.


What analysis do I use if [indep]{“entity”:‘depOrIndep_var’, “group”:“indepgroup”} variables are [num]{“entity”: “numOrCat_var1”, “group”: “indepgroup”} and [cat]{“entity”: “numOrCat_var2”, “group”: “indepgroup”} but [dependent]{“entity”: “depOrIndep_var”, “group”: “depgroup”} variables are [numerical]{“entity”: “numOrCat_var3”, “group”: “depgroup”}?



  • depOrIndep_var groups:
    • indepgroup
    • depgroup
  • numOrCat_var: groups:
    • indepgroup
    • depgroup slots: indepgroup: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: depOrIndep_var group: indepgroup depgroup: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: depOrIndep_var group: depgroup depOrIndep: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: depOrIndep_var conditions:
      • active_loop: info_test_form numOrCat1: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: numOrCat_var1 group: indepgroup conditions:
      • active_loop: info_test_form numOrCat2: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: numOrCat_var2 group: indepgroup conditions:
      • active_loop: info_test_form numOrCat3: type: text mappings:
    • type: from_entity entity: numOrCat_var3 group: depgroup conditions:
      • active_loop: info_test_form

class ActionInfoTestForm(Action):

def name(self) → Text: return “action_info_test_form”

def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]) → List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

    dependency_group1 = tracker.get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="depOrIndep_var", group="firstgroup_var")
    numOrCat1_group1 = tracker.get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="numOrCat_var1", group="firstgroup_var")
    numOrCat2_group1 = tracker.get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="numOrCat_var2", group="firstgroup_var")
    dependency_group2 = tracker.get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="depOrIndep_var", group="secondgroup_var")
    numOrCat3_group2 = tracker.get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="numOrCat_var3", group="secondgroup_var")
    timeToEvent = tracker. get_latest_entity_values(entity_type="timeToEvent_var", group="secondgroup_var")
    if dependency_group1 in indep_alt and numOrCat1_group1 in num_alt and numOrCat2_group1 in cat_alt and dependency_group2 in dep_alt and numOrCat3_group2 in num_alt:
        dispatcher.utter_message(template= 'utter_indepnumcat_depnum')
    if dependency_group1 in indep_alt and numOrCat1_group1 in num_alt and numOrCat2_group1 in cat_alt and dependency_group2 in dep_alt and numOrCat3_group2 in cat_alt:
        dispatcher.utter_message(template= 'utter_indepnumcat_depcat') 
    if dependency_group1 in indep_alt and numOrCat1_group1 in num_alt and numOrCat2_group1 in cat_alt and dependency_group2 in dep_alt and timeToEvent in time2event_alt:
        dispatcher.utter_message(template= 'utter_indepnumcat_deptimetoevent')

Is this a correct way to do it? Since dependent or not is a group itself, must I specifically label the entity as groups?

This is very interesting things you have to trying to do. I want to know more about that.