How to store only user input and bot response in a file

Hi, I want to store only user input and bot response in a file. I have tried tracker_store but it’s storing all the intermediate events too.

Can we use more than 1 tracker_store at the same time?

You can enable an event broker and select the events you want.

Thank you @stephens Is this available in rasa 1.8.3?, I’m already using whole tracker_store for other task in the chatbot. Can I use two tracker store in the same chatbot?

Yes, it’s available in 1.8.3.

This does not involve using two tracker stores.

I don’t quite understand what you mean.
You can use rest channel api (/webhooks/rest/webhook) to get ‘q’ and ‘a’.
if u want get more information about nlu parse,you can then use the HTTP API (/model/parse).
like this: