hi, how to control or select entity extracted by multi entity extractor? I am using RegexExtracor, CRFextractor, DIETextractor to extract my entity, as a result, the tracker will keep these three extracting results as a list, so how to control the tracker just keep only one result?
hi, how to control or select entity extracted by multi entity extractor? I am using RegexExtracor, CRFextractor, DIETextractor to extract my entity, as a result, the tracker will keep these three extracting results as a list, so how to control the tracker just keep only one result?
So multiple entities are being extracted because multiple ones are being found. If you only one want one per utterance (which is sounds like is what your after?) then you’ll need to write a custom action to do that. There’s some more discussion in this thread you might find helpful.
I faced the same problem and fixed it by writing a custom component. At the end of config pipeline i added a python component that would keep specific extractor for specific entity and delete other extractors from the list. If you need i can upload the script
Hey @zaowad …can you upload the custom component script and can you guide me on how to properly build custom component.