How publish rasa-powerd google assistant

Hi Juste,
I have read your blog named as " Going beyond ‘Hey Google’: building a Rasa-powered Google Assistant" and created assistant but how can access my assistant from anywhere who can use google assistant.
How to publish my assistant?


Hey @AnilLG. To allow your assistant to be used by other users you have to make a public release, then you assistant will be reviewed and if everything’s ok - it will be approved for the public use. You can make a release by going to Google Actions console and clicking on the ‘Release’ tab:

You will need to add the necessary information about your assistant inside the ‘Overview’ tab as well. Once you do that you should be able to submit it for a review.

Thanks :slight_smile: :blush::blush:

Hi @Juste. I’ve submited my project to review and I have problem with the mic. From the google team i’ve received this message:

" After the Action responds with “Until next time. I’ll be here to hearing from you.” , the mic remains open. The Action makes a closing statement, but continues to record the user. At this point, we recommend to close the Action. "

So, i need to close the mic or the action when the intent is “say_goodbye”. How can I do that?

Thank you.