Facing problems in rasa x

HI , I’m venkat ,

I am facing some issues with rasa x . I’m new in working with chatbots , please help me out

I have attached the error message , and the pip list

absl-py                 0.13.0      
aio-pika                6.8.0       
aiofiles                0.7.0       
aiohttp                 3.7.4       
aiormq                  3.3.1       
alembic                 1.4.3       
APScheduler             3.7.0       
astunparse              1.6.3       
async-generator         1.10        
async-timeout           3.0.1       
attrs                   19.3.0      
bidict                  0.21.2      
boto3                   1.18.21     
botocore                1.21.21     
cachetools              4.2.2       
certifi                 2021.5.30   
cffi                    1.14.6      
chardet                 3.0.4       
charset-normalizer      2.0.4       
cloudpickle             1.6.0       
colorclass              2.2.0       
coloredlogs             15.0.1      
colorhash               1.0.3       
croniter                1.0.15      
cryptography            3.4.7       
cycler                  0.10.0      
decorator               4.4.2       
dm-tree                 0.1.6       
dnspython               1.16.0      
docopt                  0.6.2       
fbmessenger             6.0.0       
future                  0.18.2      
gast                    0.3.3       
gitdb                   4.0.7       
GitPython               3.1.18      
google-auth             1.34.0      
google-auth-oauthlib    0.4.5       
google-pasta            0.2.0       
greenlet                1.1.1       
grpcio                  1.39.0      
h11                     0.9.0       
h5py                    2.10.0      
httpcore                0.11.1      
httplib2                0.19.1      
httptools               0.3.0       
httpx                   0.15.4      
humanfriendly           9.2         
idna                    2.10        
isodate                 0.6.0       
jmespath                0.10.0      
joblib                  1.0.1       
jsonpickle              2.0.0       
jsonschema              3.2.0       
kafka-python            1.4.7       
Keras-Preprocessing     1.1.2       
kiwisolver              1.3.1       
Mako                    1.1.5       
Markdown                3.3.4       
MarkupSafe              2.0.1       
matplotlib              3.3.4       
mattermostwrapper       2.2         
multidict               5.0.0       
networkx                2.5.1       
numpy                   1.18.5      
oauth2client            4.1.3       
oauthlib                3.1.1       
opt-einsum              3.3.0       
packaging               20.9        
pamqp                   2.3.0       
pika                    1.2.0       
Pillow                  8.3.1       
pip                     20.0.2      
pkg-resources           0.0.0       
prompt-toolkit          2.0.10      
protobuf                3.17.3      
psycopg2-binary         2.9.1       
pyasn1                  0.4.8       
pyasn1-modules          0.2.8       
pycparser               2.20        
pydot                   1.4.2       
PyJWT                   2.0.0       
pykwalify               1.8.0       
pymongo                 3.10.1      
pyparsing               2.4.7       
pyrsistent              0.18.0      
pyTelegramBotAPI        3.8.2       
python-crfsuite         0.9.7       
python-dateutil         2.8.2       
python-editor           1.0.4       
python-engineio         4.2.1       
python-socketio         5.4.0       
pytz                    2021.1      
questionary             1.5.2       
rasa                    2.8.1       
rasa-sdk                2.8.1       
rasa-x                  0.39.3      
redis                   3.5.3       
regex                   2021.7.6    
requests                2.25.0      
requests-oauthlib       1.3.0       
requests-toolbelt       0.9.1       
rfc3986                 1.5.0       
rocketchat-API          1.16.0      
rsa                     4.7.2       
ruamel.yaml             0.16.13     
ruamel.yaml.clib        0.2.6       
s3transfer              0.5.0       
sanic                   20.9.1      
Sanic-Cors              0.10.0.post3
sanic-jwt               1.6.0       
Sanic-Plugins-Framework 0.9.5       
scikit-learn            0.24.2      
scipy                   1.7.1       
sentry-sdk              1.2.0       
setuptools              44.0.0      
six                     1.16.0      
sklearn-crfsuite        0.3.6       
slackclient             2.9.3       
smmap                   4.0.0       
sniffio                 1.2.0       
SQLAlchemy              1.3.22      
tabulate                0.8.9       
tensorboard             2.6.0       
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1       
tensorboard-plugin-wit  1.8.0       
tensorflow              2.3.4       
tensorflow-addons       0.13.0      
tensorflow-estimator    2.3.0       
tensorflow-hub          0.12.0      
tensorflow-probability  0.13.0      
tensorflow-text         2.3.0       
termcolor               1.1.0       
terminaltables          3.1.0       
threadpoolctl           2.2.0       
tqdm                    4.62.1      
twilio                  6.50.1      
typeguard               2.12.1      
tzlocal                 2.1         
ujson                   1.35        
urllib3                 1.26.6      
uvloop                  0.14.0      
wcwidth                 0.2.5       
webexteamssdk           1.6         
websockets              8.1         
Werkzeug                2.0.1       
wheel                   0.37.0      
wrapt                   1.12.1      
yarl                    1.6.3    

@Venkat Hi, please share rasa --version

hello , Thank you for the response

Rasa Version      :         2.8.1
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0
Rasa SDK Version  :         2.8.1
Rasa X Version    :         0.39.3
Python Version    :         3.8.10

@Venkat Can you please delete the .db files events and rasa and then run rasa x.

sure , let me try it out

so should I delete the rasa package or the rasa.db file?

@Venkat only .db files please.

I deleted the files , and rasa x is working now , Thank you for the help

@Venkat Happy to help you. Good Luck!

hello , after working with rasa x and retraining model , I’m getting this error

@Venkat are you using some external code or in action.py?


@Venkat So its not related to rasa installation process, its related to code now. Can I request to please create a different thread for your new error and share some supporting files for the same thanks.
