Can a python string that is colored be printed in rasa?

Is it in your entities twice?

@fkoerner sorry didnt get you :frowning_face:

When you do this do you see two entities for “amoxa”?

i have multiple entities for amoxa…looks like complicated to me forget it …i have another issue with Synonyms mapping …

@fkoerner…by the way what are the conditions for entities…like no white space between or other?

@fkoerner…i have phone extracted but the vaildation keep failing ,can you see it for me please

That should depend on your extraction method. For example, the RegexEntityExtractor by default only matches words, not subwords (e.g. the word shower is not a match for the entity how)

Hi @faiza_conte, can you tell me what about the validation is failing? What would you like to happen, and what is currently happening?

@fkoerner Actually since one entity is being extracted twice then it become a list…but here a list can not be converted to mysql nor to other inorder to do a validation for it…assume I have phone_no and both diet classifier and regexentityextracter extractes it and store the slot as [’+251933990479’, ‘+251933990479’]…and assume I want to get the value as tracker.get_slot(“phone_no”)…and to validate or store it to database it throws error as **a list can not be converted **

@fkoerner… …can you please explain me here shortly on what kind of algorithms is used to build the rasa pipelines and policies …and when installing rasa we have a requirement.txt that needed to be installed so why do we need them or why rasa need them?