Okay I am able to solve this with lots of trial and errors:
Please follow below steps:
Downgrade pip pip install --upgrade pip==20.2 pip -V
check compatibility between rasa-open source+rasa sdk+rasa x from here: Compatibility Matrix
Now based on your rasa open source+sdk version choose correct rasa x .
- Install rasa x
In my case it is 0.35.0
pip install rasa-x==0.35.0 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple
Remove local DB (stored on your root of project directory) rm -rf rasa.db rm -rf events.db
Run rasa rasa x -v --vv (give correct path for config/domain/data folder if you have changed their default location)
Now this will if you have mistake in your configurations. correct those.
- synonym: altroz
examples: |
- altroz
- agaltroz
- altoz
- tata altroz
- tata agaltroz
- tata altoz
- synonym: altroz
examples: |
Here entity value and synonym value is same: ‘altroz’
In this case Rasa tried to raise warning but that warning message itself was failing.
So there was no clear indication what was failing. After traial and errir i have removed altroz entry and everything worked fine.
Similarly if you have defined roles for entities in domain file. Rasa gives error. So I had to remove those.