How to map few numbers from user utterance to slots

@NicolasD Hello, I not tried personally this scenario but give it a try or please ref this link: NLU Training Data and even this Domain for role and group only.

- story: Order black tea
  - intent: orderdrink
     - black_tea_qty: true
       role: order_black_tea
  - slot_was_set:
     - black_tea_qty: true
       role: order_black_tea
  - action: black_tea_order_form
  - active_loop: black_tea_order_form
  - active_loop: null
  - action: utter_black_tea_slots_values
  - intent: affirm
  - action: action_order_drinks
  - action: utter_order_confirmed
  - action: clear_slots

PS: Even your training data is not in proper format, please sort that out

Note: We most likely would need to add the roles and groups to their respective entities in the domain file. The entities keyword in the domain file would then become a dictionary instead of a list.

Or just use entities rather than slot?

Some pointers (Thanks to Tanja) Ref: Introducing entity roles and groups

  • UserUttered.as_sub_state: Add the roles/groups to the list of entities. Concatenate the role/group names with the entity names to make sure they are unquie.
  • Update the yml stories format to include roles/groups next to entities
  • Update the domain file to be able to add entities with roles and groups
  • ignore_entities for intents should not be modified. We treat roles/groups as part of the entities. E.g. if an entity with a role was detected but it should be ignored, also ignore the role. If an entity with a role was detected and it should be considered for the intent, consider the entity and the role. To achieve that we need to split the concatenated names again.
  • Domain needs to store entities with roles and groups
  • Add a method entity_states to the Domain that returns all entity names + the concatenated names of roles/groups and entities.
  • SingleStateFeaturizer should use the new entity_states method of the domain in prepare_from_domain
  • Modify an existing example to include entity roles/groups (needs to be clarified)
  • Verify that e2e tests contains entity roles and groups