How do I deactivate a form during validation?

Yes I totally understand from your side.

This is my FormValidationAction simplified:

class ValidateFormLogIn(FormValidationAction):
    def name(self):
        return 'validate_form_log_in'

    async def required_slots(self, predefined_slots, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        # predefined_slots = ['password', 'username']
        # Doing that because Rasa X sorts them alphabetically
        return [predefined_slots[1], predefined_slots[0]]

    async def validate_username(self, value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        # Check if username exists in the database
            return {'username': username}
        # else
            return {'username': None}

    async def validate_password(self, value, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        # Check if password matches with the database
            return {'password': secret, 'loggedin': True, 'password_tries': 0}
        # else
            return {'password': None, 'loggedin': False, 'password_tries': password_tries+1}

I want the form to stop after 3 wrong attempts, so I created a password_tries slot that increases inside the validate_password() method.

I want to exit the form if that happens, so I added:

    async def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        if tracker.get_slot('password_tries') >= 3:
            return [ActiveLoop(None), SlotSet('requested_slot', None), SlotSet('username', None), SlotSet('password', None), SlotSet('login_type', None), SlotSet('password_tries', 0)]
        await super().run(dispatcher, tracker, domain)

But after doing that, the FormValidationAction stops working.

It starts asking for the password before the username, and validate_username() and validate_password() do not work/run.

There are print()s inside the methods, and they’re not appearing in the Action Server logs.

It’s as if the ValidateFormLogIn class didn’t exist.

You also added ActiveLoop(None) in the return of run(), but this is not an event listed here.

Is it in